Monday, 23 November 2015

Marx questions

How did Marx and Engels view literature?
Marx and Engels viewed literature as insignificant.
What is the sociology of literature?
sociology of literature is focused on the concerns of itself, which might be called the means of production, distribution and the exchange in the society. It is also to do with the culture.  It studies the social production of literature and its social implications. It also has attention to its styles and meanings.
What did Matisse believe about all art?
Matisse commented that all art bears are the imprint of it historical time period. But the great art represents it the most.
What is 'original' about Marxist literary criticism?
The original aspect to Marxism is that it does not consider a historical approach to the literature. But it does give a revolutionary understanding to history itself.
Why is art part of the superstructure?
Art is part of the superstructure because it is a complex element of society's ideology. It effects the social perception which then ensures that the situation is in which one social class powers over another social class. It is either seen by both members of society or nobody at all.
What, according to interpretations of Conrad's work was the crisis facing the Western bourgeois class?

Which four elements make up the levels of 'unity' which Marxist criticism focuses on?
Social relations
Productive forces

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